Campaign Team

Direct Response Copywriter & Funnel Strategist

$60,000 AUD - $90,000 AUD
Job Posts

About Persuasion Experience (PX)

👉Click here to watch this video about our company.

PX is a fast growing performance marketing agency that specialises in scaling high ticket B2B and B2C companies. 

We are not a high volume, ‘churn and burn’ agency. Results are the only thing that matter. We track ROI for every client, and our north star metric as an agency is that EVERY client turns into a case study we are proud of. 

We know that traffic and ads are worthless unless it converts, so we build a new ‘Lead Machine Funnel’ for every client.  We take the time to understand the client and uncover who their customers are and why they buy, create the client’s offers, landing pages and funnels. Once we build their Lead Machine Funnel System, we run paid ads and optimise their campaign each month. We are like our client’s plug & play performance team. Because of this, our portfolio has an extremely high success rate, and a low churn rate. 

The most important part of PX is our team. We’re a team of passionate, high performing marketers who are obsessed with getting client results, as well as growing and developing ourselves.

We invest heavily in our team’s training and development, and it’s important to us that we can help our team to grow & develop into the best version of themselves, both personally and professionally. 

Stalk us here 👇

About The Role

Click here to watch a video about this role. 

Does direct response copy run deep in your veins?

I'm talkin' you've read so much Dan Kennedy that your DNA has fundamentally evolved into a mind control copy deity.

If you're high key obsessed with direct response, and want to work with people with the same obsession... you're in the right place.

PX’s DR Copywriter & Funnel Strategist role is for you if you want to become more than “just a copywriter”...

You’ll develop the ability to listen to a client's business problems, analyse the problems and growth opportunities, create an effective strategy and execute it to a successful outcome. 

You’ll work with clients from Day 0, truly understand their goals and challenges, and create a strategy to help them grow their business.

You’ll lead the execution of the funnel strategy. You’ll be able to pair the traffic, and post click (funnel) strategy together to create a seamless campaign strategy that actually gets client results. To do this, you’ll work within your campaign team to determine the best strategy to hit the client’s goals. 

You’ll be the one responsible for coming up with the offers, the messages to test, the landing page strategy, funnel strategy
 and you’ll make sure the ad copy & creative is up to standard, and the client launches within deadlines.

Once your campaign goes live, you’ll then continue to work on the campaign with the traffic team in your Pod to continuously run split tests to get the most out of a client’s budget and keep improving results (yes, you’ll actually get to see the results of your copy and find ways to improve it!)

Here's the types of copy you'll work on:

- Opt in pages

- Landing pages

- Sales pages

- Emails

- Occasional VSL script

- Facebook ad copy

- Facebook ad scripts

Your Responsibilities 

  • Client Funnel & Campaign Strategy: you’ll be creating funnel & campaign strategies that are a client’s game plan to take traffic (aka ‘the click’) and convert that click into a high quality lead. You’ll know how to create offers, landing page strategy, funnel strategies, lead magnets, emails nurture strategy. 
  • Direct Response Copywriting: There will be some copy skills needed and you may be needed to jump in and write copy for your accounts, such as being able to write a headlines split test, or an email. Ultimately you need to be able to know what makes great direct response copy.
  • Create & run CRO testing program: Critically analyse quantitative and qualitative data, create your hypothesis to test, and continuously run split tests to get better results for clients! 


  • 2+ years experience in direct response copy is a must. Ideally writing direct response copy within an agency
  • You would consider yourself a mid-senior level marketer
  • You understand how to read data, tell a story with the data to create valuable insights, and create action plans from the insights
  • You understand traffic & funnels, you can set a strategy to hit a business’ goals, and can oversee a team of specialists (like designers, traffic specialists) to achieve that goal
  • Experience with media buying & Facebook or Google Ads is a PLUS

Deal Breakers

  • You can’t make the daily 3.30pm (Melbourne, Australia time) team huddle


  • Annual leave & PTO
  • 100% remote
  • Lunch & learns with industry experts
  • Opportunities for professional development and advancement within the organisation
  • Joining PX at this early stage means you will be personally coached by the co-founders to become one of the greatest marketers on the planet

Other Role Details

  • Pay Range: $60,000AUD - $90,000AUD
  • Hours: This is Full Time position
  • Location: We are a 100% remote agency. The founders travel full time, and it’s cool for you to do that too! Our team members are from around the world, and we make sure we have time where the team overlaps. 
  • Professional Development: We are big on professional development, and you’ll be coached by both founders, have access to the PX courses, all the courses we have ever bought (it’s a lot!), and additional coaching or programs as needed. We believe our team are assets to invest in.
  • Report To: You will report to your Campaign Team Leader
  • About Your New Team: We only hire A-players. This means you’ll only work with some of the best in their respective fields. Everyone is hungry to learn and grow, and committed to getting great client results.  

The Hiring Process

  1. Submit your application
  2. Round 1 interview
  3. Paid test project
  4. Interview with CEO
  5. Onboarding

We are extremely thorough in our hiring process. This ensures we protect our high performance team, and you know that who ever you work with will be the real deal.

PS - A Note From Our CEO & Co-Founder

Hey đŸ”„

Alisha Conlin-Hurd here. CEO and co-founder of Persuasion Experience.

I have been working in marketing agencies for over a decade and worked with 1,000+ clients. 

And I’ve heard the same shitty story every time 

“I’ve been burnt to a crisp by an agency before”

The worst story I’ve ever heard is a client paying $100,000 to a digital marketing agency
 and getting 1 lead. 

If you come from the agency world, you know what I’m talking about. 

Over the last 10 years I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly. 

  • Sales teams told “growth at all costs” and taking on bad fit clients 
  • Sales team selling whatever they want and causing headaches for the fulfilment team
  • Founders growing their company too fast and going into process and tech debt
  • Toxic management teams, bullying and playing favourites 
  • Unqualified managers who don’t know how to nurture & train talent
  • Awful clients treating team members like shit 
  • A revolving door of juniors, and a few high performers expected to carry all of the weight
  • Overwhelmed teams with too many clients and can’t do a great job for any of them


So here’s the thing

I want to build something different.

I want to build an agency where I can fall asleep every night knowing that we are making a real difference for our clients lives. I want to know that I have an epic, A-player team I can trust, and who genuinely care about our clients.

Please don’t mistake any of this for me ‘playing small’.  

My plan is to grow and scale to an 8 figure company, become one of the best agencies on the planet and attract some of the biggest and most exciting brands from around the world (we already attract billion dollar brands 🩄). 

This is where you come in

I know I can’t do it alone. I need to find the best talent from around the world. 

So if what is on this page resonates with you

If you’re thinking “F*** yes, I’ve finally found my people” AND you tick the boxes for who we are looking for, then I invite you to apply. 

If we work together, I promise you’ll look back at your time in PX and think “Shit, I did my best work there. I grew so much, so quickly, and it unlocked so many doors for me”. 

I want you to be able to be the best version of yourself professionally and personally, and we work very hard to create an environment where that is possible.

WARNING: PX is not for everybody

I am only looking for high performers to join our team. If you’re looking for an easy job, you’re a complete newbie, or you don’t play well in teams
 This company is not for you.

As a fellow high performer, I know you’ll thrive in a certain type of work environment. I make sure that the clients we bring on are great, and the team members we choose help to create this environment for you.

Please take the time to read more information below on the company. It’s important to me you know as much as possible about the company before joining. This will repel the wrong people, and attract the .001% of you I am looking for. 

Some more information I’d like to share with you👇

Our Clients

  • Our sales team understands digital marketing and are taught to set expectations VERY CLEARLY with new clients (aka are sales team are NOT told to sell at all costs. We only want good fit clients in the portfolio)
  • We ONLY take on ethical businesses as clients. We will not work with any company who we think are shady or don’t align with our values. 
  • We have a no dick head policy for clients. We are picky with our team, and we are picky with our clients.
  • We ONLY take on clients who we truly believe we can help. We disqualify most leads.

Our Team

  • We are a lead generation company. No ecommerce or low ticket SaaS.
  • We track and report on ROI. No fluffy BS metrics to hide behind.
  • Our north star metric of success is a client case study. EVERY client should turn into a case study. 
  • We ONLY hire experienced A-players who want to be the best at their craft.   
  • We ONLY take on applicants who have the skills we need AND want to learn, grow and develop. If you want an easy job you rock up and collect a paycheck, go work client side in a big corporation.
  • We know you will fail. We don’t expect perfection. It’s only a failure if you don’t learn from something. Failure = feedback = knowledge = power. There is room to “fail” here. I just expect we don’t make the same failures repeatedly!

The PX Mission

Too many great businesses fail. Businesses that can genuinely make a difference in the world and help people.

And it’s usually because they suck at marketing and sales.

Our mission is to help 10,000,000 of the greatest businesses around the world to get their products and services in as many hands as possible, and reach their full potential.

Helping great businesses to help their market allows us to have the greatest impact.

“If you truly have a product or service that truly helps people, you have an ethical responsibility to get it into as many people’s lives as possible”

The PX Values

Constant Growth & Expansion
Once you stop learning, you die. There are no egos when it comes to learning. You can learn from everyone, and everything, in every situation (even if it’s to learn ‘what not to do’). 

We have a curious mind
 we are always learning from the best, on our mission to become the best (the best at what we do, and the best version of ourselves).   

Results Obsessed

Our ‘North Star’ metric is to turn every client into a case study. As a business, we exist to serve our market and get them results. Everything else will follow.  

The Obstacle Is The Way 

We treat problems as opportunities to grow and expand. No one ever did anything great sitting in their comfort zone. We lean into the uncomfortable feeling of doing something new.

Before we tackle a problem, we always ask ourselves “what would this look like if this were easy?”, and we enjoy the challenge of overcoming obstacles (even if it’s painful at the time). 

Systems = Simple Winning Behaviour

If you have to do something more than once, you turn it into a process and system. We want to free our minds to solve bigger problems, and have more RAM for creativity. 

Systems allow us to have the winning behaviour as a default, and we are always looking for the next optimisation of a process.Â